『英会話タイムトライアル』テキスト10,11月号 “Steve’s Interview” 第42回・第43回は、温泉エッセイストの山崎まゆみさんをお迎えしました。
さまざまなメディアで温泉の魅力を紹介するほか、「VISIT JAPAN大使(旧YOKOSO! JAPAN大使)」「武雄温泉大使」「にいがた観光特使」「越後長岡応援団」なども務められています。
<Steve’s comments>
I learned a lot of things from Yamazaki San. First, we talked about hot springs around the world. She has shared a hot spring with people from a lot of different countries! And of course, in a small space like a hot spring, it’s impossible to NOT talk to each other.
She did something very clever…She prepared 3 or 4 mini-explanations about Japanese Onsen beforehand, memorized them, and then used them in her hot spring conversations.
I did the same kind of thing when I first learned Japanese…I was asked about the same thing many times…Why did you come to Japan? What do people in the US think of Japan? Where did you learn Japanese? Do you like NATTO? and so on. I brushed up my answer for each of these.
I also learned about Japan’s hot springs. It’s good timing since Japan’s getting a little chili.
Hope you enjoy the article and this month’s ETT theme…Numbers. And then November’s theme Food.
『英会話タイムトライアル』 10月のテーマは “Numbers~会話に使える英語の数字~”、 11月のテーマは “Food conversations~食卓彩る英会話~” です。
So check out our course on the Radio or on-line! NHKラジオ第2放送、インターネットのストリーミング放送をぜひチェックして下さいね。