Fresh ideas for English education.
An exciting change is underway in Japan… More and more people are mastering the USE of English. In the near future, Japan’s main university entrance exams will have mandatory speaking and writing sections. We believe Japan will become a country in which almost all citizens can use English. To achieve that goal, we create innovative self-study materials and educational systems. We are also forming partnerships with organizations from various fields nationwide to help people use English and pass on a positive image of English communication to the next generation.
質の高い英語教材「Educational Masterpice(教育的傑作)」の企画・開発

代表取締役社長CEO スティーブ・ソレイシィ
Steve Soresi is a writer and researcher based in Tokyo, Japan, originally from Sarasota, Florida. He has a B.S. in International Relations from The American University in Washington, D.C., then received his Masters Degree from Waseda University and was awarded his doctorate from Aoyama Gakuin University, both located in Tokyo, Japan.

Steve is currently a professor at Business Breakthrough University, previously holding full-time positions at Takushoku University and Toyo Eiwa University. He specializes in cross-lingual education, especially for Japanese native speakers learning productive skills (i.e., speaking and writing). He has developed English language teaching and testing methodologies through the use of ”Target Speech Rates”, which are measured by “Sentences per Minute”.
(前職は拓殖大学、東洋英和女学院大学専任講師。現在は、ビジネス・ブレークスルー大学教授。専門はクロスリンガルエデュケーションで特に日本語ネイティブがスピーキングやライティングなどのプロダクティブスキルを身につけるための教授法を研究している。「1分あたりの英文発話率(“Sentences per Minute”)」の計測ならびに「目標発話率(”Target Speech Rates”)」の設定を用いた独自の教授法と評価法を開発した。)

His major published works focus on English communication skills with several best-sellers currently in Japan, some of which have been translated and published in Chinese. In addition to his academic and publishing endeavours, Steve serves as the instructor for the NHK radio show called “Eikaiwa Time Trial”. His media career includes two seasons as a main instructor on NHK TV’s educational series, “Let’s Start Talking” and spot appearances on other private broadcast stations in Japan, as well as a 3-year stint as a news reporter for a CNN affiliate station.

Steve has founded “Soresi Language Labs,” a company that contributes to an exciting change that will occur in the 21st Century in Japan… More and more people will master the USE of English, and eventually, Japan will become a country in which almost all citizens can use English. Thus, Soresi Language Labs, or “Sore’ Ken” as it is known in Japan, creates innovative self-study materials and educational systems. Sore’ Ken forms partnerships with organizations from various fields nationwide to help people use English and pass on a positive image of English language use & communication to the next generation.
社名 | ソレイシィ研究所株式会社 |
代表者 | スティーブ・ソレイシィ |
オフィス | 〒107-0061 東京都港区南青山2-2-15 ウィン青山1403 |
取引銀行 | 三井住友銀行 京葉銀行 |
主な取引先 | NHKエデュケーショナル NHK出版 リクルート アルク出版 文響社 コスモピア出版 BBT大学 マガジンハウス |
Photography:Chihaya Kaminokawa
Pictured with Steve in “About Sore’Ken”; Jenny Skidmore
Pictured with Steve in “Services”; Christiane Brew